Take Grossmont and Cuyamaca colleges' summer classes; you'll still have time for that summer tan

Posted on: May 8, 2019 12:00:00 AM


Contact: Della Elliott




Summer’s just around the corner, which means summer session starts soon at Grossmont and Cuyamaca colleges.


Whether you’re a university student looking to take a transferable class during summer break, a high school student wanting to get a head start in college, a working adult looking to upgrade or learn new skills or someone wanting to get into shape or to learn a new language, short-term summer classes are a great way to quickly expand your knowledge.


Most classes begin June 10 and are four, six or eight weeks long. Online registration using


Web Advisor


continues through June 9, but some classes offer late registration until the end of the first week of classes. Class schedules and information about enrollment at both Grossmont and Cuyamaca colleges are available at




All classes cost $46 a unit for California residents, or $138 for the average class. A maximum eight units are allowed during summer session. Financial aid, online application and registration are available.


There’s more scheduling flexibility than ever, with both colleges offering online and hybrid classes, as well as evening classes to accommodate busy schedules. For example, Cuyamaca College is offering online courses in Great Music Listening (MUS-110); History of Jazz (MUS-111); History of Rock Music (MUS-115);  and Introduction to World Music (MUS-116).


Grossmont College is offering entirely online Administration of Justice courses in Criminal Evidence (AOJ-202); Criminal Investigation (AOJ-206); and Criminal Law (AOJ-200).


For those preferring conventional, in-class instruction, Grossmont College offers a six-week introductory Arabic course (Arabic-120). Want to include a little beach time in your learning? A biological sciences class, Life in the Sea (Bio-105), includes some weekend and other out-of-class field study times wading in shallow waters.


For the business-minded, there’s Google Applications for Business (BOT-132).


Is that gym membership you signed up for as a New Year’s resolution going unused? A Beginning Total Body Fitness class (ES-006A) at Grossmont College or a Beginning Physical Fitness (ES-019A) at Cuyamaca College under the watchful eyes of instructors might get you motivated.


Among Cuyamaca College’s other offerings is Kumeyaay Arts and Culture (Humanities-116), an eight-week class focusing on the Kumeyaay Nation in what is now San Diego and Imperial counties and Baja California. The class will meet at the Santa Ysabel Reservation, and will include guest lectures by Kumeyaay leaders.


In addition to a wealth of general education offerings, Cuyamaca College also will offer specialized courses in automotive technology, graphic design, ornamental horticulture, water/wastewater technology, paralegal studies and English as a Second Language.


At Grossmont College, specialized courses are available in Administration of Justice, cardiovascular technology, culinary arts, nursing and occupational therapy assistant technology.


For the first time college student with plans to start college full-time in the fall, the


Grossmont-Cuyamaca College Promise


provides a free year of tuition. There are a few preliminary steps to take – filling out a Free Application for Federal Student Aid




and completing the onboarding process at








college. Summer is a great time to get a jump on your fellow soon-to-be high school graduates and get all the preliminary steps out of the way.


For more information, visit








or call Grossmont College at (619) 644-7186, or Cuyamaca College at (619) 660-4275.